Health Services Research

Typical Next Wave Project Examples:

  • Design and evaluate quality measures and processes, including constraints (e.g. quality of source data
  • Served as team leader and spokesperson for the Task Force that identified the "Ideal Managed Care" system for the Institute for the Advancement of Health Care Management of the State University of New York at Albany
  • Evaluate inconsistencies in published "Report Cards" and other benchmarks, and facilitate their correction
  • Served on the Technical Advisory Groups which developed the Resource Utilization Groups (RUG II and RUG III) for nursing home reimbursement and quality assurance in New York State and provided RUG III advice to several other states
  • Evaluated the implementation of case mix reimbursement on nursing homes over a ten-year time period for the New York State Department of Health. This study identified \"Best Practice Success Strategies\" for facility management
  • Facilitated the development of "A Vision for Assisted Living in the Overall Health Care Delivery System" for the Empire Adult Home Association's Future Society, and implementing this vision through the Center for Assisted Living Advancement
  • Assisted with development of both the ICD-9-CM codes and Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) categories to assist hospitals and medical device manufacturers to obtain proper reimbursement. This work resulted in the development by HCFA of Medicare DRGs 491 and 495 through 503
  • Customized Training and Education in any of the above topics

Partial List of Clients:

  • American Lung Association of NYS
  • Center for Assisted Living Advancement
  • Healthy Schools Network
  • Institute for the Advancement of Health Care Management
  • NYS Department of Health 
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Individual hospitals
  • Medical Device Manufacturers
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